A couple links and a thought

Here's an interesting editorial about Al Gore's film "An Inconvienent Truth" in the New York Post. Check it out here.

Also, christiancadre has a different perspective on the Left Behind game here.

After reading Christian Cadres remarks, I realize that some of my remarks may have been a little harsh. Think2Action's article was somewhat biased, and my lack of research resulted in my spreading what it seems now isn't true. I apologize for that. However, I still disagree with Left Behind's theology because I believe its dangerous and I still think that the video game is probably in bad taste.

4 responses to “A couple links and a thought

  1. Christian Cadre’s Layman has been exposed, and his critiques of Talk to Action’s five-part series on the video game Left Behind: Eternal Forces, have been rebutted here: http://www.talk2action.org/story/2006/6/7/41835/37829

    Layman, enjoy eating your Whopper!

  2. Talk2Action’s follow-up failed to justify the inaccuracies in its first piece. Despite heroic contortions and manipulations on its part. I responded to it in detail, here:


  3. There has been alot of misleading information spun throughout the public and media regarding Left Behind Eternal Forces game. I encourage you to visit http://www.menofgod.us & download a trial version. I believe the first hand experience will allow you the opportunity to judge for yourself and put these rumors to a rest.
    Here is a statement from the CEO, Troy Lyndon, to clarify some of the misconceptions and propaganda:
    LEFT BEHIND: Eternal Forces
    A PC Game

    FOCUS ON THE FAMILY endorses our game. Read below to find out why!
    Our game DOES NOT encourage killing.
    Our game is NOT anti-Semitic.
    Our game is NOT anti-Muslim or anti-Islamic.

    It is anti-EVIL! The ultimate bad-guy is the Antichrist who wants to eliminate all faiths and all religions, except his and he is deceiving the entire world.

    Our game does NOT teach the pre-tribulation theology of the book series, except that this worldview is utilized as a FICTIONAL backdrop of the game.

    In the past several days, numerous people have been and continue to spread misinformation about the game.

    Our game is the first game ever to encourage the use of PRAYER and WORSHIP as the most effective means to resolve conflict.

    Physical warfare is discouraged as the LEAST EFFECTIVE means for resolving conflict…and a gamer loses points for using a gun.

    This is the world’s first high-quality inspirational game which intends to model positive behavior by discouraging physical warfare.

    Please play the game for yourself and help us to get out the TRUTH.

    In an industry which creates so much gratuitous violence and gore, LEFT BEHIND: Eternal Forces presents a healthy alternative. We need your help to get the word out!

    PLAY THE GAME and find out for yourself that this game is about the battle of good versus evil.

    Here are a few things said by others:
    – The Anti-Defamation League, although they speak out against the book theology, says “Conversion to Christianity in the game is not depicted as forcible in nature, and violence is not rewarded in the game.”
    – AOL says it is a “Positive Moral Message”
    – Focus on the Family says “Finally! A game Mom and Dad can play with Junior”
    – Concerned Women for America says “A game we can wholeheartedly recommend!”
    – Wired Magazine “Few are as ambitious and polished as this PC title.”
    – ArsTechnica.com “This is a game that Christian parents can buy their kids, and one that Christian kids can play themselves without any guilt about “questionable content.””
    – Women of Faith says “In an industry that is full of destruction with no hope, the LEFT BEHIND game
    – Clint Thomas from Chaos Theory says “For years we’ve been telling kids what to run from and not what to run to, until now!”

    Should you have any concerns about this game, please go to the contact us page on our website at http://www.leftbehindgames.com and we’ll do our best to connect with you.

    Troy Lyndon
    CEO, Left Behind Games Inc.

  4. This statement is posted from an employee of Left Behind Games on behalf of Troy Lyndon, our Chief Executive Officer.

    There has been in incredible amount of MISINFORMATION published in the media and in online blogs here and elsewhere.

    Pacifist Christians and other groups are taking the game material out of context to support their own causes. There is NO “killing in the name of God” and NO “convert or die”. There are NO “negative portrayals of Muslims” and there are NO “points for killing”.

    Please play the game demo for yourself (to at least level 5 of 40) to get an accurate perspective, or listen to what CREDIBLE unbiased experts are saying after reviewing the game at http://www.leftbehindgames.com/pages/controversy.com

    Then, we’d love to hear your feedback as an informed player.

    The reality is that we’re receiving reports everyday of how this game is positively affecting lives by all who play it.

    Thank you for taking the time to be a responsible blogger.

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