Monthly Archives: July 2007

Interesting Tidbits

Adoption Nightmare

Russia a mix of fascism and communism

Iraq death toll down…. maybe this thing will end soon

Bob Novak endores Fred Thompson Ron Paul

And for your viewing pleasure

East Nashville Thoughts

You know, I tell ya. I’ve seen some really encouraging things in East Nashville. I’ve met people who are in poverty who have legitimate issues and cannot help themselves, whether because of a disability or mental illness, etc.

But I have met plenty of people who have absolutely no issue with using you until you wise up, and move on.

I’ve met people that feel entitled to what I have, and express little or no gratitude when I give.

I’ve met people who refuse basic needs, because they’d rather feed their drug addiction, and who have no desire to change that. People that I’ve built relationships with in the 6 months I’ve been here, who will deny up and down that they need any help, and get angry when you refuse to feed their addictions.

And its saddening. Its saddening on one count, because it just continues on the stereotype that many American poor are poor because of bad decisions. Not because of the man holding them down. Not because they can’t make it. Not because they are unable to work. But because, when it really comes down to it, its easier to collect a check and beg on the side, than it is to go out and be a productive citizen. And its hard for me to serve those that refuse to do that, especially after months of ignoring it, only to bring it up in conversation and have someone throw their hands up and walk away.

How Did You Wake Up This Morning

I believe I’ve spoken about my neighbor, Bootsie, before.

She’s an older lady, 63, and has lived a hard life that’s included 15 years in an asylum, an 8th grade education, problems with alcohol, etc.

Her husband of 26 years is dying of prostate cancer, which made her drinking problem worse.

I talked to her and told her she needed to quit drinking, so she could be strong for James, her husband. Right after that, she went to the clinic and found out her kidneys were failing. The doctor said if she didn’t stop drinking, she die. They put a catheter on her with a bag, and said she might have to use that for 2 months until her kidneys clear up.

So she has, so far. Its been almost two weeks, and as far as I know, she hasn’t had a drop. She’s been much more lucid when she drops by my apartment to use the phone or to get some groceries. She doesn’t utilize all the social programs that are out there for her. She and her husbands combined monthly income is 1300 dollars, and they spend 600 a month on rent. Doesn’t leave much for food or clothing. So I help her out when I can.

Anyway, this morning, I get a knock on my door at 7:45 and hear Bootsie hollering that she needs my help. I’m thinking that James has passed, so I run to the door.  Luckily, that wasn’t the case. However, her bag had gotten full, and she asked if she could use my bathroom. I obliged, unsure why she hadn’t used the bathroom at her house, but nevertheless not minding helping her out at all.

Then, she called me to the bathroom. After emptying the bag (mostly in the toilet, but alot on the floor) she couldn’t reattach it to her leg.

Now there’s a reason that I never considered being a doctor. I can’t handle people being in pain looking to me to fix it. I would freeze. So when I hesitantly entered the bathroom, with her pants at her ankles and looking to me to strap that pee bag on her leg, I didn’t know what to do.

I was most certainly out of my comfort zone.

But I stepped up, got in there, and eventually got the velcro thing strapped tightly back around her leg.

And I have to tell you, it was God that got me in that bathroom. It wasn’t me. I didn’t do it on my own. I would have trouble doing that for a family member, much less, a lady I met two months ago that lives around the corner.

But its a testament to how messy (literally) the Kingdom of God is. And how he will empower you to step out of your comfort zone.

Otter Creek Sermon Series: Money

Tim’s sermons have been awesome the past couple weeks. He told us up front that he’s gonna be talking about money, but not about giving to church. Sounds like some toe steppin’ material to me.

In the first sermon, he basically gave an overview on what he was talking about, but the kicker, the part that really got me fired up, was when he straight up called the health and wealth gospel heresy. It’s what it is. And its probably one of the fastest growing movements among protestants in America, and abroad. I can understand why, it definitely affects the psyche in two distinct ways.

First, if you are poor, hearing a message that if you trust in Jesus and give what little money you have to the Pastor’s Pension church that you attend, that sounds like an easy way to remedy your situation. And it does “work” to an extent. For many in poverty, one of the main causes of poverty is bad choices. I’m not denying here that there is a cycle of poverty, and that some, no matter how hard they try, cannot ‘pull themselves up by their bootstraps’, but for many in our country, if they can overcome some bad decisions they have made and are currently making, things will get better for them financially. This is a land of great opportunity. So this movement gains traction because it seems that by believing in Jesus and going to this church, you will be blessed materially and will be raised out of poverty and into riches.

Second, those that are all ready wealthy find this movement satisfying because it backs up their inner belief that they are wealthy because they are either Godly, or blessed by God. Hearing a sermon every morning is a big pat on the back for a job well done.

So I was really excited about this sermon series, after that introduction.

However, this week was kinda odd for me. I’m not quite sure how to explain it.

The sermon was about envy, covetousness, buying things that we can’t afford to keep up with the Joneses, etc. However, I didn’t feel like it really connected with me.

I mean, I understand wanting to buy things because of marketing. I definitely do that. But since I was young, I haven’t looked at something someone else had and decided I needed it to be in with them. For example, I used to only want to buy clothes that I thought other people would think were cool, thereby making them want to hang out with me. This didn’t really work, I found, and being cool in junior high apparently means, regardless of your clothes, that you have to be an asshole. That wasn’t my game, so I just decided I’m going to dress in what I think looks good, regardless of whether its what the cool people are wearing. Sure, I wore name brand things, but I bought and dressed how I liked.

I guess the point of this is that since middle school, I haven’t felt like I bought anything to keep up to the standard of my neighbors. That point didn’t resonate with me. And what bothered me the most, I think, is that Tim painted that with a pretty broad brush. Talking about buying houses so that you fit in with a crowd. Buying cars so that you fit in with certain people. My parents never did that when they didn’t have money, and they don’t do that now. I have an Acura, but it cost me 4300 dollars that I paid cash for, and its 11 years old. It looks cool, sure, but its a well built car that will last me for 100,000 miles or more.

Anyway, had I been Tim, I think I would have talked about judging those with more than you, along with what he talked about Sunday. The biggest issue I’ve seen with money in the church is not keeping up with the Joneses, but making judgement calls about people based on your own situation.  (and I will admit, this definitely comes from my life experience)

My parents have plenty of money. My Dad started his own business, and after several years of ups and downs, it finally went up pretty signifiacantly and stayed that way. We’ve been blessed immensely when it comes to finances.

I never knew how much my Dad made until I was in college. I knew we had a bigger house than most of the people I knew, but our cars were the same, or clothes were often cheaper, we had to pay for things on our own. I always had a summer job. The cars that were bought for us as a convenience so that we could transport ourselves (we lived 20 minutes from pretty much everything) we had to buy if we wanted to take them to college. Most of my friends, who had houses that were smaller than mine, and parents that made less than my dad, were often given more than me and my brothers.

But I’d hear the snide comments. The “Justin’s parents are loaded, why don’t they pay” or “if I didn’t send my kids to private school, we could afford a house this big” (back before I went to private school) or comments about how a 5000 sq ft house is unchristian, etc etc etc.

What I’m saying that I’ve noticed is that people often make the judgment of how much is enough based upon how much they have. What I have is “enough” and anyone with more than me, is not being a good steward. One of my really close friends even made comments about that behind my back with regularity, and it was hurtful.

But my Dad didn’t disclose his finances. He didn’t disclose that we lived on much less than he made, with a portion going to retirement and a large portion going to church and an AWESOME organization called HOPEWORKS . He shouldn’t. Anyone that’s making that judgment call on face value has other issues. And I’ll tell ya, most wealthy christians I know are the most benevolent, caring, and responsible people I’ve ever met. They are responsible with their money, because most of them didn’t start out that way, and being responsible is part of being a good steward. They often give large amounts of money away, because they know that the accumulation of more things isn’t going to make them happy. Yet, these people are demonized by those who think they are more righteous because their house is smaller.

I’m not really sure what the point of this rant was. Its something I’ve been meaning to get off my chest. And its something we need to talk about in the church.

Wealth is relative. If you live in this country, even if you’re the poorest person, you are better off than the majority of the world. Its that simple. Instead of trying to determine what amount of money is ok, just always be willing to give it all away if the need arises. And if you make a habit of living on less than you make and giving a large portion of it away (maybe increase your tithe every time you get a raise) I think you’re well on your way to the Kingdom of God. Cause we’re all rich.  And I haven’t seen any camels going through the eye of a needle recently.

The Left’s Obsession With Inequality

The American Enterprise Institute weighs in…..

Facts and Figures on Single Payer Systems

This is the best and most comprehensive link about the myths per petuated by those promoting a single payer health care system.

Great Article From A Soldier

Why the war in Iraq is unwinnable, why we still need to do something about terrorism, and why neither the Democrats or Republicans are going to fix it.

Guess Who This Is

Before he was famous….

“Right now, I could kill George Bush”

Surely that sentiment has been spoken by many people by now. Interestingly enough, this was spoken by a Nobel Peace Prize winner, speaking to a peace conference, by a person who claims to advocate non violence.

Something is wrong with that, don’t you think?

I’m Really Out of Topics

I’m not getting burnt out on blogging. I don’t think. But I haven’t had a whole lot of stuff to say of late.

GKB is talking about the flawed doctrine of Sola Scriptura. That’s right, I said flawed doctrine.

Dubyah is continuing to destroy the Middle East, our Army, and any chance that a secular Muslim state would ever become a democracy. Its time to leave.  We’re only making it worse by being over there. Its gonna be bad when we leave, yes. There will be bloodshed. But and the resulting fighting may make the moderates take a stand against Al Qaeda. If it doesn’t, at least we’re not in there helping fundamentalists wage their propaganda war that we are coming to get rid of Muhammed.

On that note, lets think about a situation that might help us understand what’s going on around there. Let’s say that Pat Robertson, James Dobson, or shoot, just insert any radical right Christian voice in there, has been telling us for twenty years that the Chinese communists are going to take away our right to worship God. We’ve been listening, but not really caring. All the sudden, the Chinese come to our shores. Who would the people in this country turn to? Would moderate Christians who had denounced said voices possibly join up with their ChristoFascist army against the Chinese? Would they be in the streets with every hunting rifle they could find?

So is it understandable why, after our invasion, and subsequent occupation, that moderate muslims are joining radical groups? They’ve just been told by radicals, mullahs, and madrasas for their entire lives that the american infidels want to take over their countries, and bring with it sex, rock and roll, and the desecration of Muhammed and Islam.

Ok, so I had a post in me. Just didn’t know it.